Below you will find the latest news from Troop 14G
School Open Houses
Thanks to all the scouts who came out for our 3 school open houses events. Got some good leads from interested visitors.
- DeSales Catholic school Aug 31
- Arron Mosell Sept 15
- Emmett Belknap Sept 20
Welbelos Woods 2022
For the 3rd year scouts from troop 5014 went to Sam Wood and taught the Build a Better Nation program at Welbelswoods at Camp Sam Wood. They helped Arrow of Light cubs learn about the US flag history, , citizenship, and rule of la.w. lesson also included hands on, on how to fold a US flag and proper flag ceremonies for raising and lowering US flag. In this way cubs will be ready to sross over to trooops and participate in flag ceremonies and color guards.
Dittmer MB Weekends 2022
Scouts from troop 5014 participated in all three merit Badge weekends at Camp Dittmer July 22-24, July 29-31 and Aug 12-14. Scouts earned badges in various badges including eagle required Citizenship in World, Nation and Society. Some of the more senior scouts also help as Councilors In Training (CIT) for the Cooking and Archery merit Badges
Fantastic Friends Camporee
Great job. Scouts from 4 different troops participated in troops 5014 Fantastic Campout. They earned the Disability Awareness Merit Badge and helped people with special needs from Fantastic Friend of WNY have a scouting adventure. Thanks also to the Nor-ton Red Jackets for the use of the Donald F. Miller camp
Scouts participated in group discussions, a ‘blind’ walk, and a one arm volley ball game as part of their Disability Awareness Merit Badge Training. Saturday people with special needs visited camp and scouts were guides as our friends went to 4 different stations. Stations were a nature walk, music, knots, and a scout staple SMORES.
Red Jacket Fellowship June 3-4 2022
T5014 participated in the annual Red Jacket Fellowship. Equivilent to Dittmer Beaver days 1/2 the day consist of service projects around Donald F. Miller camp and the other 1/2 days is fun activities. This years theme was “carnival”
Our Service was to weed and spread new sand in 4 areas
Stamp Out Hunger May 14 2022
T5014 was the only scouts troop to assist the Salvation Army in their annual Stamp Out Hunger Food drive. Scouts helped unload mail trucks, and sort and box food for various food pantries in the Lockport area. In between trucks scouts relaxed in the Salvations Army youth center and played some foosball.
Dittmer Beaver Weekend May 6-7 2022
T5014 spent the weekend at Camp Dittmer getting it ready for the upcoming Merit Badge Weekends. Activates included cleaning, trail maintenance and getting the camp wide WiFi on line for the season. We stayed in the new lean-toos, which are great. Hope to see every one at some or all of the Merit Badge Weekends
ILST Training April 4 2022
Scouts from several troops participate in the ILST (Introductory Leadership Skills for Troops) that was presented by T5014. Scouts attended the all day event and participated in team building and group activities. Having fun while learning about the [proper orginization of a scout lead troop
Need a safe fire? Call a scout April 7 & 10 2022
T5014 assisted All Saints Parish during it Easter Week Services. On Thursday April 7th a fire was used to burn pieces of paper collected during the evenings reconciliation service. On Sat April 9th as part of the Easter Vigil mass T5014 again assisted with the safe burning of a fire that was blessed and used to light candles used as part of the Easter Vigil mass.
Klondike 2022 Jan 26-28 2022
Congratulations to Troop 0028 Patrol #1. Our over all winner of the Towpath 2022 Klondike.
My apologies for not being able to update the Leader Board yesterday. We were in an all metal building and my hot spot was not connecting. (Lesson for next year). Great time was had by all. T5014 and it’s 4 female scouts who camped overnight in 7 Deg weather came in 3rd place overall.

Towpath District will host again next year the same weekend (Last Weekend in Jan) Next year that is Jan 27-29 2023. Set date on your calendar. I will have an on line anonymous opinion form shortly if you want you can also leave public comments to this post
Great job all the scouts who came out. We can not host such an event without adult help. If you wanted to assist as judge or on the planning committee next year let me know Below are some quick stats from the weekend
- 9 Troops
- 13 Patrols
- 9 events
- 76 scouts
- 29 leaders
- low temp Fri night 7 Deg
- low temp Sat night 2 Deg