Flag Placement

Gleenwood Cementary

The Flag Placement is when we place small flags on the gravestones of veterans in the local cemeteries. The Lockport Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) and American Legion post are the sponsors for the effort and supply the small flags, The scouts help place the flags. Below is this years schedule Thur May 25th 5:00 PM Glenwood cemetery  325 Glenwood Ave, Lockport, NY 14094. Look for car.  Thur May 25th 6:00 PM Coldsprings Cemetery 4849 Cold Springs Rd, Lockport, NY 14094. Meet at the bell tower in the lower section, Thur May25 ~7PM. Immediately following the flags placement at both cemeteries we are welcome to go back to the VFW hall for soda and Pizza 112 Caledonia St, Lockport, NY 14094 Time spent  pacing flags does count as service hours.